Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Website Editor • Aug 16, 2021

Write about something you know. If you don’t know much about a specific topic that will interest your readers, invite an expert to write about it.

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By Elizabeth Everett 16 Aug, 2021
Having attended events with her and seen her reactions to both genuine and corny comments from men, Liz is a rare gem who puts compassion first. She emits a positive energy too powerful to be derailed by miniscule obstacles many people stress over. Being a female dating coach who speaks at pick up events definitely brings value to her services. Sure, there are male coaches who know what they’re talking about. But a woman’s perspective is vital to any man who wants a real woman. Elizabeth also possesses a true talent for keeping an audience listening. At the Global Pickup Conference 2011, she had a roomful of grown men as quiet and intrigued as a kindergarten class during story time. The same happened when she attended the last singles event I hosted in downtown Los Angeles, and we all sat down to eat at Mel’s Diner afterward. With a broad range of services available to help both men and women with self-improvement and dating, I’m proud to have her as my blog’s first official interview. Thanks Liz! TJB - THE JESTER"S BLOG EEE- Elizabeth Egan Everett TJB: I’VE HAD THE PLEASURE OF HEARING YOUR SPEECH BEFORE, AS WELL AS ENJOYING CASUAL CHATS, BUT FOR THE SAKE OF THIS INTERVIEW, LET’S PRETEND I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU SPECIALIZE IN. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF, YOUR EXPERIENCE, AND YOUR SERVICES IF YOU WERE SPEAKING TO BOTH GENDERS? EEE: I help people get what they are seeking, however that shows up for them in their particular experience. I work very deeply in the world of "Secrets", and from speaking to a person for a little while I am usually able to see what particular secrets will suit them best and help them to their next level in life. By "Secrets", I mean that I have spent most of my life looking into subjects that most people don't even know exist and from this immersion, study and the unique ability to see what needs adjustment within my clients, help them bring more love, success, wealth, health etc. TJB: I’VE NOTICED A LOT OF VERY INTERESTING PHILOSOPHICAL STATEMENTS YOU’VE MADE IN PAST SPEECHES. WOULD YOU SAY YOU PRACTICE MORE OF A SPIRITUAL KIND OF COACHING? EEE: The word "Spiritual" is a loaded word and means a lot of different things to different people. In that I can assist a person's journey to greater understand themselves, the opposite sex and the mechanics of how the universe works for their benefit, then yes, I would say my particular kind of coaching IS "Spiritual". TJB: WHAT ARE SOME OF THE BIGGEST GENDER-BASED STEREOTYPES (ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SPECTRUM) THAT YOU THINK OVERCOMPLICATES THE DATING PROCESS? EEE: I think a very misleading and damaging for both parties concerned, especially being taught by some in the attraction industry, is the gender specific stereotype that men have to be a "Bad boy" to get what they want. There is such misunderstanding around this concept, and while acting like a jerk WILL bring a certain kind of woman (and this kind of woman usually has a lot of baggage), ultimately this kind of behavior long term will be the very thing that loses a man a sentient woman of value. There is a very important distinction between acting like a "Bad boy" and acting like an true confident alpha who is able to broadcast his confidence and not necessarily fall for /into situational tests that a potential mate will set. Another one of the gender based stereotypes that I find especially taxing for women is the premise that they shouldn't approach a man that they are attracted to, that they have to wait to be "hunted" per say. We have been indoctrinated from an early age that it is our suitors job to "Court" us correctly from our ivory towers and book's like " The Rules " have only set this belief system greater into the foundations of society's dogmas etc. I have seen some of the greatest relationships begin by a woman who goes after what she wants, beginning the eventual mutual reciprocal "dance" AND, there are specific ways that this can be done for greatest success etc. TJB: DESCRIBE THE GENERAL PERSPECTIVES WOMEN HAVE WHEN THEY READ BOOKS LIKE “THE GAME” BY NEIL STRAUSS, AND HOW MEN CAN AVOID BEING VIEWED NEGATIVELY, YET STILL BE OPEN AND HONEST ABOUT THEIR PARTICIPATION IN A FORM OF SELF-IMPROVEMENT. EEE: Depends on the woman and her own indoctrinations and past experiences first of all. Many women find the world of Pick Up to be deeply distasteful and misogynistic, and rightly so because so often they have been incredibly hurt by many “ PUA's ”, who have used this information incorrectly to manipulate and lie as to their true intentions. However there are also women that are grateful when this information is used correctly to get them past their own habitual programming from childhood and societies expectations so that they can also experience greater pleasure, relationships etc. We are often waiting for this in a man! This information is very karmically potent and makes me think of the saying, "With power comes much responsibility". It is all about how you explain this world to us, and ALSO who YOU are as a being as you explain it. If you help the woman to understand that what it is you use and study is done for the mutual benefit and pleasure of BOTH parties involved, and are deeply honest and up front in your interactions with her, (AND if she doesn't have anything too traumatic in her past around this), then she will often be fascinated and want to know more! We love this stuff just as much as you do if you frame it correctly! TJB: LET’S SAY YOU HAVE A POTENTIAL CLIENT WHO IS A BEGINNER, THEY HAVE DEEPLY ROOTED NEGATIVE PERCEPTIONS OF THEMSELVES AND/OR DATING, MULTIPLE DEFENSE MECHANISMS AND LIKELY REQUIRE A GREAT DEAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL REPROGRAMMING. WOULD YOU RECOMMEND NLP (NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING), HYPNOTHERAPY, OR BOTH? EEE: Every client is different depending. TJB: YOUR WEBSITE, ESOTERICATTRACTION.COM , MENTIONS “INNER GAME”, “RED QUEEN GAME” AND “HIGH GAME” AS SOME OF YOUR SPECIALTIES. DEFINE THESE AND WHETHER THE DEMOGRAPHIC FOR THEM IS GENDER-SPECIFIC. EEE: All of these particular kinds of game can be used for either men or women, with only some change in vocabulary and a little different understanding of polarities/magnetics etc. " Inner Game " deals with a person’s inner reality that then effects what occurs around them in the outer world. "Red Queen Game" is ALL about attraction when it comes to dealing with people who have woken up past their habitual herd survival and replication biological programming (which is what most game is used for and often either doesn't work at this level or needs to be amended) - These are the unique "Special snowflakes" of which there is only one like them on the planet, and with whom men or women fall deeply in love with / develop " Oneitis " etc. "High Game" - Deals in the world of Magick. TJB: I RECALL YOU PREVIOUSLY SPEAKING OF HOW ATTRACTIVE WOMEN FIND MEN WHO HAVE OVERCOME SELF-LIMITING HABITS. PLEASE EMPHASIZE. EEE: There are levels of Alpha. A man who is a natural alpha who has always been as such, is not as delicious to us as a man who started out as a beta, or an underdog and because of how he handled what life threw at him, actually became the man that he is today. This is a true alpha, a self made man, and women of value deeply know this difference. It resonates off of a man so much so that often he no longer needs game! ;) TJB: ARE THERE ANY COMMON COMPLAINTS YOU HEAR FROM WOMEN IN AND AROUND LOS ANGELES ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? EEE: That men here really aren't into long term relationships, tend towards narcissism, are afraid of intimacy, and are often more vain than they are!!! Welcome to Hollywood, oh dear! TJB: WHAT IS THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE FOR YOU PERSONALLY WHEN WORKING AS A DATING COACH? EEE: Uniquely crafting what I say and teach to each client specifically, to hit home for them in such a way that it has a deep and lasting effect at the most profound levels. Also, there is a lot of "Bad" information / technique being taught out there at the moment which often makes a guy seriously creepy and worse than he was before! So many gamers don't realize that they have a certain way of acting that is really noticeable and EXTREMELY unattractive to the very women they are approaching. This can often be another challenge for me depending, to help a client unlearn this way of being, to break these habits etc. TJB: AND THE BIGGEST GRATIFICATION? EEE: To see a client come into greater success, love, health, wealth and happiness from our meetings, interactions and the information given therein. TJB: HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED WRITING A SELF-HELP BOOK ABOUT DATING? EEE: Yes - I am. :) TJB: WHAT ARE THE BEST WAYS ONE CAN REACH YOU TO INQUIRE ABOUT YOUR SERVICES? EEE: My website:
By Website Editor 16 Aug, 2021
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” – Carl Jung. “When once we wandered with whispers and wishes, we worshiped wild wisdoms and walked with the Witches.” – Stephen Ross. “Love, love is a verb – Love is a DOING word, fearless on my breath…” – ‘Teardrop’ by Massive Attack .
By Website Editor 16 Aug, 2021
Open your Present The present moment is a jealous lover. If you seek anything else but Her (Him), you lose. She likes to be opened and enjoyed like the gift that She is… Excerpted From: According to Richard M. Sherman, co-writer of the song with his brother, Robert, the word was created by them in two weeks, mostly out of double-talk.[2] The roots of the word have been defined[3] as follows: super- “above”, cali- “beauty”, fragilistic- “delicate”, expiali- “to atone”, and docious- “educable”, with the sum of these parts signifying roughly “Atoning for educability through delicate beauty.” Yes, Delicious
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